Monte Roulier

President + Co-Founder

As a strategist, coach, and facilitator, Monte has helped hundreds of community partnerships develop change strategies, resulting in healthier people and places. Prior to CI, Monte served as the Senior Community Advisor at the National Civic League, where he guided its nationally recognized Healthy Communities Program. Monte also served as President of Service Adventures, leading international teams of volunteer scientists and students who worked with local leaders to establish National Parks across Russia and Central Asia. He also joined efforts with Save The Children to initiate a micro-credit banking system that fueled a thriving business and social network of female refugee leaders throughout Tajikistan. Monte is a co-founder and board member of the Institute of People Place and Possibility, serves on the National Civic League's board, and is the board chair of The Center for Good Food Purchasing. He lives in Portland, OR and regularly works out of the CI office located in his hometown of Fort Collins, CO.


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